Dry Eye: Symptoms – Causes – Treatment

The eye is part of the human body which is very important because the human eye can see and get to know the surrounding world. Have healthy eyes and clear vision is a dream of all people.

Eye disorders experienced by many people in recent times interfere with the activity of its victims. Disorders of the eye like myopia and astigmatism or hipermetropi will insist on its use glasses, softlense or other vision AIDS. Sometimes indeed people who use glasses or softlense look more fashionable or it could follow the trend. But basically they are plagued with health problems they experienced eye.

However, in addition to myopia, astigmatism, hipermetropi and also there are other eye disorders namely keratoconjunctivitis sicca or commonly referred to as sindrome dry eye. Dry eye disease is also very disturbing to a drive. Dry eye sufferers typically experience a lack of fluid in the eye. This is because the liquid eyes.

Dry eye is also caused due to the production of tears that dihasikan too little evaporation so that not too much else will still cause dry eye. Dry eye disease also have other cause factor.

Causes Of Dry Eye

Causes Of Dry Eye

In addition due to the volatile liquid eyes and lack of tear production, dry eye disease also  by several factors. Some of the factors that cause dry eye include:

A. Age Factor

People are already at an advanced age will experience dry eye. In old age, the production of tears will be reduced compared to the young people.

B. The occurrence of hormonal changes

One of the triggers dry eye namely due to hormonal changes that occur in the body. Some of the activity of the hormone changes that cause dry eye typically is triggered because the women are pregnant, use contraception and also on the eve of the menopouse phase. Some hormonal activity that can reduce the production of tears and make dry eye.

C. The Lack Of Frequency Of The Blink Of An Eye

The guy who batted his eyes will affect the production of tears. The less flicker will reduce the production of tears. With open eyes condition too long will also eye fluid evaporation mnegakibatkan more. Some of the activities that can affect a person's eyes flicker frequency i.e. reading, writing, and also worked in front of the computer.

D. The effects of certain diseases

Danya linkages between one cell with cells that others make of diseases can be caused by other diseases. Disease dry eye can also be caused by the effect of some other disease suffered. Some diseases that can affect the eyes in producing the tears among i.e. blefaritis, HIV, allergic conjunctivitis, Sjogren syndrome, lupus, dermatitis contact, meibomian gland dysfunction and several other diseases.

E. Radiation exposure

Effect of radiation of a part of the eye can cause reduced tear production.

F. Eye Injury

Eye injury will affect the production of tears. Dibebkan injuries due to collision or irritation to the eye can cause dry eye.

G. The use of contact lens, or softlens

Wearing contact lense have side effects for the eye. The existence of objects that stick to the work will result in the eyes of the eye will also be disrupted. Kontaks lens will help sufferers eye problems to be able to see clearly, moreover, its appearance using the kontaks lens will look more fashionable because it can have a different pupil colors. However, contact between the lens with an eye to note because it may cause dry eye.

H. Side effects of consumption of medicines

Consuming certain types of medications can affect the eye fluid. Production of liquid eye right eye causing diminished and become dry. Some drugs can affect the eye fluid production i.e. antidepressants, diuretics, antihistamines, and also the beta blockers.
H. Side effects of Laser Eye Surgery
The laser is indeed known to interfere with the health of the eyes. Exposure to the laser directly towards the eyes will make the views blur. In addition laser identical to heat which can lead to fluid in the eye can be volatile.

I. Environment Of Residence

Condition that occurs around the life will affect the occurrence of disease among them i.e. dry eye. People who live in the area and has a dry climate and it's also blustery can cause dry eye disease. Environmental factors are indeed unavoidable because it is a place of mukin already hard to left.

J. The Problem Of The Structure Of The Eyelids

The problem of the structure of the eyelids can lead to dry eye. Structures of the eye problems such as ektropi and entropy makes eye terititasi and make a tear can evaporate quickly after experiencing contact with the air continuously. Ekropi is a reversal happened padakelopak the eyes of the inside towards the outside. Whereas entropy is a problem that occurs on the outer eyelids that goes into.

Some of the causes that can cause dry eye can be avoided and some of them are hard to avoid because it was supposed to happen as the factor of age. For those who have problems with the eyes and dry eye disease of doubt whether or not it can be known from the symptoms caused from dry eye disease.

Dry Eye Symptoms

Of the causes that can trigger the onset of dry eye disease, it can be seen whether really experiencing dry eye disease or not. How to know him by recognizing the symptoms of dry eye disease caused. Some of the symptoms caused from dry eye disease:

A. The Eyes Are Red

Unlike other normal eye that has a white color, eyes dry eye disease sufferers tend to be red like the person being sleepy.

B. The Eye Feels Hot

Eyes that are experiencing dry eye disease will feel the heat.

C. Puffy Eyes

Dry eye disease causing the eyes become swollen and will cause pain and sore.

D. Eye Itch

For dry eye sufferers will experience eye problems i.e. eye will itch.

E. Eyes Feel Gritty

Dry eye due to lack of fluid in the eye resulting in the eyes feel gritty. In addition the eyes also will feel dry and uncomfortable.

F. Sensitive Vision

Eyes that are experiencing dry eye disease will be more sensitive to the environment. One of the factors that can increase the sensitivity i.e. eye rays.

G. Blurry Vision

Because the eye is experiencing a shortage of liquid levels in it, eyes will get tired faster. This can lead to eye fatigue vision becomes blurry. When the vision blurry so the sufferer feels dry eye can blink to restore vision in order not opaque.

H. Eyes Get Dirty

When the eye is experiencing a shortage of the liquid, it will appear thin mucous membranes in the area around the eyes.

I. Eyelids stick

Because of the thin mucus production occur in the eye, this mucus will still be produced despite being asleep. When asleep, the mucus on the outside will dry up and cause the eyelids upper and lower eyelids attached to each other stick. As a result, when wake up it will be hard to open your eyes, and when the separate the eyelids will feel a little sick because eyelashes also sticky between the upper and lower kelopka petals.

Symptoms of dry eye disease may be known and identified before experiencing more severe dry eye. It has dry eye disease severity. Dry eye disease ranging from mild to severe dry eye that is considered, even can cause complications. A too severe dry eye can make the retina become perforated and can mengakbatkan to blindness. To that end, when the already dry eye symptoms arise as soon as possible to overcome and be treated so that it does not dry eye disease getting worse and cause blindness. However, before the suspect that from some of the symptoms above are correct are indeed symptoms of dry eye, certain diseases actually do check with the doctor's eyes.

The diagnosis of dry eye

When feeling the symptoms experienced is known as a sign of dry eye, the sufferer can do a check of the eye to eye specialists. To find out if the right experience dry eye disease or not done test using the Schirmer test. Schrimer test is performed to measure the degree of dryness that occur on the eye. How to measure the level of dryness of the eye is done by attaching a piece of special paper and then stick it on the eyelid on the bottom in a span of 5 minutes. When it's 5 minute paper is taken and measured the level of kebasahannya. When the paper is wet area is less than 10 millimeters, then the patient may be experiencing dry eye disease manifested.

Other than by measuring the content of fluid in the eye, the eye can be said to be dried by measuring the speed of the tears dry up. Tests conducted to measure how quickly the tears dry up using Flurescein dye test. This test is also used to perform tests to detect whether there is damage on the surface of the eye. How to do the test IE, assisted by the special liquid is yellow and orange to know the damage on the surface of the eye. In addition to detecting damage damage to the surface of the eye with flurecein dye test may also be done by other tests i.e. lissamine green test.

In order for the disease dry eye is not too severe and dangerous to the eye, for people who've already ascertained damage to the surface of the eye and minimal liquid eyes should immediately do the treatment.

Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye disease should be dealt with in order to be treated while still suffered from dry eye light stage. By recognizing symptoms and the results of the diagnosis from a doctor, treatment can be performed and adapted to how severe the level of dryness of the eye. Some way of overcoming the dry eye based on the level of keperahannya namely:

A. Eye Drops Medications

When dry eye disease still belongs to mild, dry eye disease sufferers simply get over it by giving the eye drops drugs sold in pharmacies. The benefits of using the drug as a substitute for these drops of tears. By using drops of the eye, the content of the fluid inside the eye will be fulfilled and contain enough water so there happen problems more severe dry eye again.

B. Drug Consumption
When the level of dry eye is already more severe than ever, sufferers of dry eye need to do a consultation to the eye specialist. It is aimed so that the disease did not increase severe dry eye and can be addressed by requesting a prescription drug given by the doctor. Remedy for dry eye doctor given to sufferers of dry eye has several functions. The drug is consumed to stimulate the production of tears so it can increase tear production. In addition to trigger the production of tears, with consumption of drugs for dry eye can lower the risk of damage to the cornea of the eye.

C. Stopper Punktus

When dry eye disease can not be resolved with the use of medications and medicinal eye drops in, it can be done another way: with a stopper punktus. Stopper punktus is one method of treatment of dry eye disease by clogging the drain tears. How the treatment is done with clogging some of the waste pit tears located in the corner part of the eye. By doing a blockage in the drain holes tear expected liquid eyes still awake so that the eye is not prone to drought. The methods of the program done by punktus stopper two different procedures. I.e. There is a stopper punktus temporarily and also stopper permanent punktus. Stopper punktus temporarily i.e. a blockage in the drain hole tears will bound shut when the eye is experiencing drought and then the blockage to be lifted when it is not needed. While the stopper punktus permanently done by providing water sewer blockage in the eye permanently. But before doing the permanent stopper, the doctor will ask for approval directly from the patient.

Some of the ways the treatment is carried out in accordance with the severity of dry eye. In order not to have to do the treatment and do not want to experience dry eye, for which it still has healthy eyes to keep health on the part of the eye. Here's how: with prevent dry eye in order to keep awake on his health.

Dry Eye Prevention

How to dry eye prevention can be done among others, namely:

  1. Keep the eyes clean and terhidanr of objects makes it dirty.
  2. Provide protection to the eyes in order not to be exposed to dust in the region were in the dry and not windy.
  3. Leveraging the use of product that can moisten the air, some of the brand is already on sale in the market.
  4. Give a break to the eye so as not too tense each day.
  5. Provide protection in the eyes so that the smoke from the motor terindar what's that are on the public streets.
  6. Avoid using make-up on the part of the eye, or indeed make up for eyes. Some eye make up that need to be avoided using eye liner and mascara.
  7. Consume foods that can improve eye health i.e. substances of omega 3 and omega 7

Prevention is done so that all good people sufferers and sufferers of dry eye while maintaining health. Prevention can be done by the willingness of ourselves by avoiding the causes of the occurrence of dry eye. But if it is true is true is already on a level that is severe, then needed treatment to address dry eye. Treatment and prevention of dry eye needs to be done so that the eyes remain healthy and able to see clearly without interference of any kind. 

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